Sunday, 1 July 2012

Evaluating Foundation Production.

From the coursework in media AS I have learnt new things and learnt from mistakes and gained new skills. In the research I learn’t what to find that will help with the planning of the opening sequence and I learnt about other film opening sequences. 
I found out how different genres differ to each other and applied this to the planning of the opening sequence. In planning the storyboard I learn’t different ways of drawing out the opening sequence and how different shots can be shown. 
When planning the shots, costumes, MES, lighting and equipment etc, I learnt how we can work round using them and how they can be effectively used in the opening sequence. I learnt different shooting techniques and what and opening sequence should include in classwork and independent study. 
I have learnt to be more organised and I need to be more prepare with the kind of issues that may be raised within the group. We learnt how to work round any filming issues such as how to work round filming in the location or if the lighting affects the quality of the filming. 
There were editing issues such as truing to fit shots together and I learnt not only how to work round this but how to use FinalCut overall. 
During the coursework I met all deadlines, however I learnt that I needed to keep my blog up to date and update it regally, tracking my progress rather than leaving it at the last minute. 
When evaluating my as work I leant that I should answer them in more depth like other than saying what I should have done but saying why. It will be easier to evaluate if I start considering the questions that may be asked and answer as I go along so I remember more and therefore have more to write. 
My evaluation unfortunately wasn’t very multi-media and I think thats one of the reasons why my mark was bought down, therefore next time I will use more audio and visual presentations when evaluating my coursework. 

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