Sunday, 1 July 2012

Evaluating Foundation Production.

What went wrong? 
In the planning stage we didn’t do a detailed enough plan of the production of the opening sequence which meant that when we came to the filming for it, we had to think on the spot which created some discussions and wasted some time. Also I think we should have had more shots and possible alternative locations and shots for preparation if anything goes wrong. Additionaly, we didn’t always agree with each-other and this caused a-lot of changes to our opening sequence. We also didn’t do any re-shots for if anything did go wrong and so we had to work round with editing from what we got. 
What worked?
What worked was that we knew exactly what to do for the opening sequence and so we knew what to film and how to film it to match with the storyline. We did a few different shots for some scenes so that we can see which shot fits best with the whole sequence. We filmed as soon as we finished planning in order to have enough time to edit.  Also the filming was spread over a few days to take our time with the editing and so the opening sequence didn’t look rushed. Also we kept all the equipment in order and remembered everything.
What you should have done.
We should have done a more detailed storyboard and plan so that everything is more organised. Our group blog would have been more interesting if we posted more research, videos and photos in the planning stage and could have gained more marks. I could have also did the same to my individual blog to, again, gain more marks. I should have also participated in every part of the making of the opening sequence and bring forward my ideas more. Also to be more certain with the filming locations and ideas. 
What you plan to do next time differently. 
I’ll try to come up with more creative ideas and have more of an idea on what I think should be in the music video and to try to take more risks and think outside the box. Also to try not to drag the shooting stages too long so that we have enough time to re-shoot scenes. Plus, to create different storyboard ideas and experiment different shots and scenes to see what would fit best with the song. 
What do you plan to do next time that you didn’t do at all. 
I will try to blog more often and show extracts and clips rather than just writing and blogging in one go. Also to try and be more detailed with blogging and planning in order to achieve a higher criteria than the AS coursework and this should help improve my overall grade. Plus, I’ll do more editing and ensure that I have a go at everything in the process of making the music video. I will also do more research and planning in order to make a good music video. 
What did they do in their planning and research?
Other groups did detailed storyboards and plans to come up with the final idea and to help them with this, they did research of films within their preferred genre. They also did different storyboards and see which flows best. Plus, they also kept up to date with the blogging on what they will do and created visual posts. 
What did they do in their actual filming?
They tried different shots and kept blogging about what went well, what didn’t and what they have achieved in the filming. They also took pictures of the locations and the filming process. 
What did they do in their actual editing?
They tried different sequences and see what flowed the best and what didn’t fit together, from this they created the final sequence. Plus, they re did shot to make the sequence flow better. Again, they blogged about what went well and what didn't. 
In terms of how people constructed their blogs and evaluations, what worked really well and what didn’t?
The blogs which were kept up to date didn’t looked rushed or crammed in at the last minute and so they managed to write in more detail. Also they used different medias such as pictures and videos to make the blog more creative. What didn’t work was those that didn’t use a wide range of media tools or didn’t write enough which weakened the blog. 

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