Monday, 24 September 2012

Voyeurism in music videos.

One of the main concepts that can be seen as an issue in music videos is known as voyeurism. This is where the treatment of the female image is projected to an extent where it would be considered unsuitable for younger audiences because of the exposure of the female body. According to Goodwin, one of the points seen in a music video is the 'voyeuristic treatment of the female body'. This can be through camera work like close-ups of different parts of the artist, costumes such as revealing tops and choreography like her dancing and showing off her body. This can create a sense of pleasure for audiences, according to Freud where viewers gaze at the screen and is known as a psychological way of watching for not only pleasure but enjoyment and escaping from reality. A good example that shows voyeurism is 'Super Bass' by Nicki Minaj. Here we see that she is wearing revealing clothes like the strappy top and shorts that will appeal to all audiences and we see her singing around topless men giving across a sex appeal to both genders and as said before this could cause voyeurism as of what is happening in the music video.

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