Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Audience questionnaire.

1) Gender:    Male      Female

2) Age:    16 and under     17-21     22-29     30 + 

3) Occupation:     Employed     Unemployed     Student

4) What music genre do you listen to? (Tick as many boxes as you like). 

() Pop
() Rock
() RnB 
() Country 
() Electronic
() Other

If other, please state: ..................................

5) What music channel do you watch? 

() MTV 
() 4Music
() Viva 
() Smash Hits
() Kerrang 
() Other

If other, please state: ..................................

6) How often do you watch music television? ..................................................................

7) List some of your favourite music videos and explain why you like them: 

8) Out of your favourite artists, what is it about their album artwork that you like?

9) What features of a music video are you most impressed with or attracted to in general?

For our audience research we had to do a questionnaire  in order to help us with what different audiences like about different genres of mudic. This will also help us with what to do in our music video and album art for our target audience in order to grab their attention and satisfy them. 
Once we came up with our song, we could identify the genres and image presented by the artists of our chosen song. Therefore we could have additional questions in order to focus upon the audience that would be attacted to our artists. 

10) What is it about RnB and rap music that attracts you? ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

11)  What appeals to you the most within boybands?

12) what is your opinion on collabriations of artists?


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